Female with hands on keyboard working on computer
Adult working on a computer

BRAIN-online FASD Screening Tool

BRAIN-online is a new web-based screening tool that assesses cognitive and behavioral features known to be associated with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). If you think that you or someone you care for may have FASD, BRAIN-online can act as the first step in connecting to a diagnosis.

If you or your child are interested in taking BRAIN–online, click the link below. You will use your own computer and it takes less than an hour to complete. By taking the test, you will help us learn more about cognitive abilities in children and adults. You will also be given the opportunity to get feedback. If you have questions, please contact us at CBT@sdsu.edu. Please only take the test only one time!

To find out more about our studies, call 619-594-1228 or email cbt@sdsu.edu or complete our brief recruitment screening form.